Friday, 5 September 2014

Why Buddhism Almost Dissapperead From India

Buddhism philosophy is one of the greatest in the world, through its peaceful teachings its followers stay from the path of one's life destruction, war and crusades. It binds people from various regions of the world, be it from central Asia, southern Asia or eastern Asia, it not as strong in its origin country India as on other parts of the world. 

 What makes Buddhism religion unique and special, is that its founder Buddha was not interested in how many people are following his guidance, or in having a deity with a distinct identity. With its origin of Buddhism in India, its followers do not have to follow any special social codes and there were not any special modes of worship, like in other religions of the world. 

Let's talk about now the great puzzle of how a great religion like Buddhism almost got disappeared from it origin country. Many people suspects the reason it almost vanished from India, is due to the large number of people being absorbed into Hindu practices and rituals, other believe it was due to Mughal invasions which destroyed most of Buddhist pilgrimage sites and the Nalanda University, the most important university where teachings of Buddhism were taught to a large number of students. 

 The exact reason may not be clear enough, but one things is certain the destruction of Bodh Tree, Buddhist images by Saivite King, Shashanka, persecution by Pusyamitra Sunga, who set fire to the Sutras, razed Samgharamas and massacred Bhikkus while killing the deity of the Bodhi tree, definitely  played a huge role in disappearance of Buddhism In India.

 Mughals who are responsible for destroying many of the great Buddhist sites also destroyed many of the Hindu temples, which were built on destroyed Buddhist sites. The Mughal invasions not only destroyed these pilgrimage sites in India, but its effect can be seen outside India too, namely couturiers which were part of India at that time but not anymore. 

Buddhism collapsed around 12th century in India, many Purans depicts that Buddhists were subject to being mocked and verbal chiding, Still, one can only take the guess of the actual reason of its disappearance from the above mentioned facts. 

There are still many theories to go and answered question when it comes to Buddhism In India.

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